Trusty’s Noodle Moodle


WordPress was interesting and simple to setup, but lacked some of the content control that I need when doing online instruction. I’ve heard about Moodle, but haven’t played with it for a while. I downloaded the latest version ( and did a fresh install. It required about the same amount of time as WordPress for the install and setup.

Now I have a complete content management system designed for online instruction delivery. I can setup multiple students and different courses. Then assign students to these courses, keeping everyone in the right track.

Each student and course has a custom calendar. The student’s calendar is only reflected in that student’s account. The course calendar is distributed to everyone in a course.

The forum tool provides for an easy way to communicate with one or multiple students with a mechanism for feedback.

There is a quiz creator and filters to import most kinds of previously-created content. On top of this, there are tons of add-ons developed by people moving to Moodle from other systems. Take a look:

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