Efficiency Tip #59 – Turn Off Wireless

Yesterday I talked about using wired networks instead of wireless.  If your computer has a wireless card and you are not using it, turn it off.  A wireless card will use up your battery even if you are not connected to a wireless network.

My laptop has a switch that turns off the power to my built-in wireless card.  One of my kids has a laptop with a function key that does the same.  If you have an “add-on” PCMCIA wireless card, take it out of your machine when not in use.

Leaving your wireless card on can also cause some security problems.  Someone that “sees” your computer via a wireless adapter can mess with your machine.  There is already a “Free Public Wi-Fi” sort of virus going around.

There is a hard and fast rule you should follow regarding all computer software.  If you are not using it, turn it off.  Wireless should be treated the same way.

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