Efficiency Tip #66 – allSnap

If you have ever used a drawing program with a “snap” feature, you will understand the benefit of allSnap.  In a drawing program, the snap feature will pull a close object exactly to the snap point.  It makes lining things up simple.  The utility allSnap does the same for your opened program windows.

Snapping happens in one of the following ways:

1 – Snap window to the edge of the screen.
2 – Snap window to the top of the screen.
3 – Snap edge of window to the edge of another window.

That last one makes it easy to place two windows side by side without overlap.  I do this all the time when I compare two spreadsheets or documents.  Snapping works when you move or resize a window.

If you have two monitors, allSnap treats the center as a snap point making it easy to snap to the center without slipping into the other screen.


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