Efficiency Tip #90 – Free Anti-Virus

I see a lot of computer problems. Everyone in the neighborhood brings every problem to my door. There is nothing worse than something that can be prevented for free. I’m talking about a computer infected with a virus.

There are a thousand ways of catching one of these things. The most common method is via email. As a rule, you should never open an attachment. Never. Period. I know you are going to open up files your friends send you. Everyone does. That’s why the virus creators use email to spread their wares.

I use AVG Anti-Virus. It is free.


Once installed, it automatically checks for updates.  All my email gets filtered through the virus checker as well.  Something else that is just as important – it doesn’t slow my computer down.

Don’t download illegal software and don’t open email attachments.  Those two things will protect you from most of the problems out there.  A free anti-virus program will take care of the rest.


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