Flickr Maps Change… not for the better

If you have watched the growth of photos tagged with remarkableohio on the Flickr map, you should have noticed a fundamental change in the way it works.

My original plan was to have one page that showed every marker tagged with “remarkableohio”.  Now you get a listing at the bottom that says there are 277 pictures, but only about thirty red dots show up on the map.  It takes a lot of work to see the rest of those dots.

I thought zooming in on an area would show all the markers in that area.  This is not the case.  From the full Ohio map, I zoomed into the Findlay area.  I stopped when Hancock County filled the screen.  I waited for the red dots to show up.  I waited a long time.  Nothing happened.

In other words, no markers showed up in Hancock County.  This is about as bad as it can get.  I have specified a tag with at least fifty hits around the county where I live and none of the markers are on the map.  To get those markers at this new zoom level, I have to do a completely new search by clicking “Search the map” and then TYPING my tag.  Flickr doesn’t even remember that I have already typed the tag on the previous page. 

After a new search, Flickr says there are 54 matches but still only shows about half of those markers.  If you want to see all the markers, you must zoom into a specific area and TYPE another search.  I zoomed into downtown Findlay, TYPED a new search and still don’t see almost half of the markers in the downtown area.

Way to take a killer application and cripple it, Flickr.  Why isn’t there a button that says “Show all markers”???

Also, why did the scroll mouse zoom go away?  I used it all the time.  Now it’s gone.

Please give me my old Flickr map back!

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