Nailed by Digital Photo

Coming back from lunch today, I noticed a campus security guard taking a picture of the car parked next to me.  I had to ask why.

The car was registered in the computer system, but there was no parking pass hanging from the rear view mirror.  We have transferable tags at UF.  Sometimes people try to share them between a couple of cars and end up on campus with a car and no tag.

Apparently, a few people have tried to pull one over on security.  After getting a ticket, they switch the tag back to the ticketed car and show up at the security office acting puzzled.

“I have a tag.  Why did I get a ticket?”

Now security provides visual evidence when this question is asked.  All the photos are digitally connected to the tickets to provide visual evidence in a dispute.

“Why?  Because this picture of your car shows you did not have a parking pass when we issued the ticket.”

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