2007 Virtual School Symposium

I’m in Louisville at the North American Council for Online Learning – Virtual School Symposium.  I’m presenting on Tuesday.  The title of my session is Preparing Teachers to Teach Online.

I’m excited about this conference.  It is the first face-to-face conference I have attended that is completely devoted to online learning.  They have wireless available for us in all the presentation rooms.  I won’t be “live blogging” but I will post about events that happen each day.

Most of today was spent in my car, driving down here.  I did finish an audio book – Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.  That was interesting and I recommend it if you enjoy reading non-fiction about espionage, corrupt governments, international economics and the World Bank driving countries into bankruptcy.

The only conference related event tonight was the president’s welcome.  It was just that… a welcome.  The good stuff starts tomorrow.

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