Web 2.0pians

It was a long, great day.  I just came in from the VSS networking dinner at the Mohammed Ali Center.  I sat down to catch up with my online activities and the first item in my feed is something from Gary Stager.  In the final paragraph he uses the term Web 2.0pians and I cannot think of a more accurate term to describe some of the things I saw today.

The first session I went to focused on Second Life (I know… it won’t die) in the virtual school environment.  The room was packed with web-two-point-opians that all wanted to replace whatever they were currently doing with some sort of Second Life environment.  We took a tour of an Egyptian Pyramid led by a person actually in California.  It went pretty well until someone in a gargoyle suite tried to talk to our avatar.  We moved on to a new web 2.0 technology before things got out of hand.

More than anything I was disappointed by the number of people that simply said “web 2.0” without offering a good educational situation or example showing how the technology could improve learning.  I actually heard someone say they would hype their online school with an event using Google Earth.

Hey everyone.  Our school uses Google Earth.  It’s a cool web 2.0 technology.  Need we say more?

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